
About: Daniel Mancebo Zorrilla

Daniel Mancebo Zorrilla is a Spanish psychiatrist and writer, born in Barahona, Dominican Republic, on December 5, 1955. He was the firstborn of the marriage between Mr. Sotero Mancebo Noboa and Misses Dominican Zorrilla Matos, who procreated a fratry of six children: Alma Rosalia, Maribel Algeria (deceased), Raúl Humberto, Lucy Giovanna and Evelin Arlecty. He began his primary studies in his hometown of Barahona , in the old Franciscan Academy, located on the grounds of Santa Cruz Parish and the also disappeared Barney Morgan Evangelical College , until his parents , being an infant, decided to move to live the capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, for work reasons of the father. It is Santo Domingo where little Daniel shows signs of an impressive exploratory curiosity for reading, reaching a vast encyclopedic scholarship. Most of the classics are read and he spent every afternoon free of their school studies until 9 at night, in the National Library of Santo Domingo, reviewing the great philosophers. In Santo Domingo he finished growing and educating himself academically, getting to get a PhD in Medicine at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, which would then continue with postgraduate and other academic studies. Since 1987, he was first settled in the Province of León, Spain, where he established in the city of Ponferrada his first medical office of Psychiatry. Between entrances and exits of the Iberian territory, he finally decided to settle and live in the city of Lleida, Catalonia, Spain, for reasons of work as a doctor-psychiatrist at the University Hospital of Santa Maria. The author studied and learned various languages, among which English, French, Russian, Italian, Catalan, some German, and his own Spanish language. His creative memories, go back to early childhood, when in his first five years of life, in his hometown, he modeled the mud that was in the courtyard of his house to make armies of figures, so his mother always scolded him for the shabby quagmire he left daily in the paternal house . Also, at that age, he drew huge figures and stick figures with charcoal on the sidewalks and streets in front of his house. He has several oil paintings and charcoal drawings, highlighting his ability for the realistic portrait. Of his written works, his first novel, written three decades ago, and published, was “Anchored to your demons”, in 2018, by Editorial Círculo Rojo, in Spain; Editorial Lulu, from the United States, and Amazon. The work was translated into English by the same author and published in Barnes and Noble, the same year. His second book published in 2019 was " La agonía de la serpiente roja (The Agony of the Red Serpent) probably, an ambitious and daring work in the political and cultural level of the novel. His last novel written and published is “La sardana triste de Anato Purroy Matamala” - Sad Dance of Anato Purroy, which is an entire psychiatric novel. He has published several articles in the newspapers Hoy, and El Nacional, in Santo Domingo, as well as in El País, in Spain, El Bierzo 7, in Ponferrada, Spain, on various cultural and scientific topics , in the 1990s, among the that the article "Eat Democracy", published August 23 , 1991, in the Spanish newspaper El País ; "Apostilles on arteriosclerotic", also published in El País, on October 5, 1991, etc. He also has a list of several articles, published for years in his personal "blogs" of WordPress and Blogspot, among which it is possible to mention, not to make the list neat, the following articles: “The Jewish massacre in the city of Lleida during the general assault against this population in medieval Spain .” “The Kardashian's ass or the taste for Venus Hottentot”. “God, the physicist Hawking and the little cosmic importance of humanity”. These and other items can be read in the following link of his blogs : https://danielmancebozorrilla.wordpress.com/ http://danielmancebozorrilla.blogspot.com/ Literary works: “Anchored to your demons”. See the link: https://www.amazon.es/Anclado-demonios-Daniel-Mancebo-Zorrilla/dp/1387648403 “The agony of the red snake”. See the link: https://www.amazon.es/agon%C3%ADa-serpiente-Daniel-Mancebo- Zorrilla / dp / 1080575952 / ref = sr_1_1? __ mk_en_GB =% C3% 85M% C3% 85% C5% BD% C3% 95% C3% 91 & keywords = The + agon% C3% ADa + of + the + red + snake & qid = 1578303852 & s = books & sr = 1-1 La sardana triste de Anato Purroy Matamala . Seee the link: https://www.amazon.es/sardana-triste-Anato-Purroy-Matamala/dp/B08GFTLKW9/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-drs-ajax1_0?__mk_es_ES=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&cv_ct_cx=la+sardana+triste+de+anato+purroy+matamala&dchild=1&keywords=la+sardana+triste+de+anato+purroy+matamala&pd_rd_i=B08GFTLKW9&pd_rd_r=d72050f7-d369-44a6-b6e1-b644b8a287d3&pd_rd_w=9mUr1&pd_rd_wg=ZRZ5K&pf_rd_p=5846fa39-862b-4ded-a367-fc5900f14e1d&pf_rd_r=FYSBDH6M0JZJHR9SYWXS&psc=1&qid=1602417677&sr=1-1-e00012f1-1c8d-4cb3-8ce3-384c62c0be4f

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